Lewis Banks (saxophone): The Musicians’ Company #MiddayMusic
Lewis Banks joined the Musicians' Company Young Artists' Programme after winning our Maisie Lewis Young Artists' Fund award in 2018. Here he performs ‘Coltrane’ by David Heath.
Lewis says:
"Firstly, I love the music of #JohnColtrane; the intensity he played with, even on the ballads, is something that amazes me. His playing wasn’t always the prettiest in sound, but what he was saying was always meaningful. David Heath’s music embodies a lot of the same spiritual qualities, and what I love about his music is the invitation it gives to the performer to be different each time and to follow your instincts in the moment. There really are a multitude of ways to make Heath’s music work, but the best results for me always come from getting out of the way of the music, letting it take its own direction in the moment of performance. I really hope you enjoy this performance!"
Lewis Banks is a Scottish saxophonist praised by the Herald for his ‘virtuosity and blinding characterisation’. Born in Glasgow in 1994, Banks’ playing is the result of his desire to combine the single - minded creativity of the previous generation of British saxophonists with a European tradition of precision, finesse and stylistic sensitivity. This desire combined with his belief in the power of honest, uninhibited live performance, has led Banks down his own path as an artist.
This path has led to Lewis developing new, genre - bending projects such as ‘Afterlife’ (2019), a new music and film project based on David Eagleman’s book ‘Sum: 40 Tales from the Afterlives’ which received a 4 - star review from The Herald and was given a 2 - page feature in The Herald Magazine.
He recently gave the UK premiere of the orchestral version of the L’Arlesienne Fantasy Concerto by Santiago Baez, was a runner – up prizewinner in the Bromsgrove International Musicians Competition and was a 2019 Wind Finalist in #theRoyalOverseasLeague Music Competition.
Musicians' Company Profile - https://www.wcom.org.uk/yeoman/lewis-banks
Musicians' Company Interview (2018) - https://www.wcom.org.uk/news/yeoman-interview-lewis-banks
About the Maisie Lewis Young Artists' Fund - http://www.wcom.org.uk/awards/maisie-lewis-young-artists-fund-and-concordia-foundation-artists-fund
Lewis's Website - https://lewisbankssaxophone.com
Lewis's Instagram - https://www.instagram.com/lbankssaxophone
Lewis's Twitter - https://twitter.com/lewisbankssax
Lewis's YouTube - https://www.youtube.com/user/SAXPLAYER128
Join our weekly #MiddayMusic e-news at http://eepurl.com/dv0ccr
#MiddayMusic is supported by funds from the Musicians' Company’s Prince’s Prize which received a generous endowment in 2015 from The Eranda Rothschild Foundation and Rothschilds Bank, in memory of Leopold de Rothschild, a Liveryman of the Musicians’ Company for over 50 years.
Donate to support The Musicians' Company Young Artists - http://www.justgiving.com/musicianscompanyfund