Mica Jane (singer-songwriter): The Musicians’ Company #MiddayMusic
Mica Jane joined the Musicians' Company Young Artists' Programme after she won our Academy of Contemporary Music Award 2018. Here she performs her songs 'Why Do We Hurt The things We Love' and 'Petrichor', accompanied by Adrian Foulkes from her band.
Mica says:
"I am a singer songwriter, writing in a style that I call 'Tropical Indie Folk'. Mainly working with my band, I aim to create music which warms the heart and makes it dance, forging musical clarity and pure food for the soul. Recently I have had the opportunity to go back to my roots (in a songwriting sense), spending hours just sitting and writing with my guitar. From this, I've created songs that are more like diary entries, using honest and witty storytelling: something which I feel is especially important during this time.
The songs I have chosen to perform for #MiddayMusic are ones that I wrote as the result of a family experiment during lockdown. I asked all my family members to write poems about their experiences and reflections at this time, with the aim of creating songs with a combined perspective to create something beautiful - lockdown has been a nightmare for living in your own head.
The first song in this video was inspired by two poems written by my aunt. The first poem reflected on Mother Earth and the undeniable sense that during lockdown the planet seems to be able to breathe for the first time, and the second was about her experiences of being a Mother. I decided that it would be a really interesting concept to compare the two, contrasting how we treat both and the roles that they play in our lives.
The second song was inspired by a poem from my uncle, expressing a sense of fear and uncertainty about the current situation (especially considering they are expecting their first child). But in the poem there is also a light at the end of this (very long) tunnel. I thought this was summed up perfectly by the word petrichor, which is the smell of the earth after rain.
I’d like to say thank you to Adrian Foulkes (bass player in our band) for accompanying me on guitar and to my family for their inspirational poetry!"
Musicians' Company Profile - http://www.wcom.org.uk/yeoman/mica-bernard
Musicians' Company Interview (2019) - http://www.wcom.org.uk/news/yeoman-mica-bernard-on-storytelling-through-songs
About our Academy of Contemporary Music Award - http://www.wcomarchive.org.uk/pop-contemporary
Mica Jane's Website - http://www.micajanemusic.co.uk
Mica Jane's Facebook - http://www.facebook.com/micajanemusic
Mica Jane's Instagram - http://www.instagram.com/micajanemusic
Mica Jane's YouTube - http://www.youtube.com/channel/UCiRUJDIa5hZG1jCJ8mClG_g
Mica Jane's Spotify - http://open.spotify.com/artist/5pIVKa0RiuW93yo8Et0bnQ?si=TrUR5GzeTKiO3mkZ9UeqFA
Join our weekly #MiddayMusic e-news at http://eepurl.com/dv0ccr
#MiddayMusic is supported by funds from the Musicians' Company’s Prince’s Prize which received a generous endowment in 2015 from The Eranda Rothschild Foundation and Rothschilds Bank, in memory of Leopold de Rothschild, a Liveryman of the Musicians’ Company for over 50 years.
Donate to support The Musicians' Company Young Artists - http://www.justgiving.com/musicianscompanyfund