The Master’s Diary February-March 2015
2 February David Melluish Memorial Lecture, Temple Church
3 February Stationers’ Company Dinner (+ Clerk), Stationers’ Hall
4 February Concert, Drapers’ Hall
5 February Amicables Dinner, Innholders’ Hall
9 February Christ’s Hospital Schola Cantorum (+ Honorary Chaplain), St John’s Smith Square
11 February Concert including Dankworth Prize presentations, Royal College of Music
14 February Opera Brundibár, Purcell Room
16 February Ashley Fripp piano recital, St Lawrence Jewry
16 February Lynn Painter Stainers’ Prize (+ Clerk), Mall Galleries
17 February Barbican Centre Committee dinner in honour of retiring Chairman Catherine McGuinness, Barbican Centre
19 February LSO Concert, Barbican Centre
24 February Meeting with Geoff Watson, Durham University (+ Clerk), Company Office
26 February World Traders’ Company Tacitus Lecture ‘Do We Need the City?’ (speaker: Baroness Scotland), Guildhall
27 February Maisie Lewis/Concordia auditions, Wigmore Hall
28 February Celebration of Brass Chamber Music (+ Clerk), St John’s Smith Square
5 March Hackney Carriage Drivers’ Company Spring Court Dinner, Vintners’ Hall
11 March Visit to Treloar’s with Lord Mayor & Lady Mayoress, Treloar School, Alton
12 March President’s Visit (+ Clerk), Royal College of Music
14 March Concert by 2014 Ivor Mairants Guitar Award winner Laura Snowden, Guildford Festival
16 March Outreach performance by Calum Huggan, Argyle Primary School, King’s Cross
19 March Lord Mayor’s Dinner for Masters & Prime Wardens, Mansion House
20 March United Guilds Service (+ Clerk), St Paul’s Cathedral
22 March Prince’s Prize Winners Concert, Norfolk & Norwich Chamber Music Festival
25 March Signing: Biddy Baxter & John Hosier Music Trust (+ Clerk), Hallam St W1
25 March Paul Campion talk to Westminster East Rotary Club (on behalf of the Master)
31 March Lunch with Lady Mayoress, Mansion House