Corporate Membership
The Musicians’ Company welcomes Corporate Members to help fulfil its mission of supporting young musicians at the start of their professional careers.
Corporate Membership of the Musicians’ Company includes:
Attending Musicians’ Company Events
– Musicians’ Company Concerts (Wigmore Hall, St John’s Smith Square, Purcell Room)
– classical and jazz competitions, the annual Bach Cantata at St Bartholomew the Great Church and lunch at a City Venue
– Company’s Evensong at St Paul’s Cathedral and reception
– The opportunity for Corporate Members’ representatives to attend the Company’s grand occasions such as the Installation Dinner and Midsummer Banquet
Musicians’ Company Website
Each Corporate Member has paragraph on the Musicians’ Company website, providing a 500-word description with a link to the member’s website.
Musicians’ Company Publications
Corporate Members will be credited in:
– The Company’s bi-annual magazine Preserve Harmony with the opportunity for an article in the magazine about the Corporate Member
– The Company’s annual yearbook
– Programmes for the Company’s Concerts (see above)
Company Membership
While Corporate Membership does not confer livery rights on any of the Corporate members’ employees, it does give Corporate Members’ representatives the opportunity to become Freemen (men and women), and eventually Liverymen of the Company and therefore to enjoy all that livery companies have to offer.
What does Corporate Membership cost and how long does it last?
Corporate Membership is for three years with an annual subscription of £2,000 + VAT.
Corporate membership of the Musicians’ Company supports the following areas:
Young Artists’ Programme
Supporting young musicians and at the beginning of their professional careers through: Performance opportunities and our Outreach Programme, one of the largest in London, focuses on education and those with special needs who we help through musical interaction.
Honorary Fellowship which supports a project by a prominent professional musician or music industry professional each year in a variety of different genres