Alexander Pott
Key Facts
- Instrument: Organ
Alexander Pott’s musical training started as a chorister at Westminster Abbey and continued at Merchant Taylors’ School, Northwood where he took up the organ with Richard Hobson. After a year as organ scholar at Chelmsford Cathedral he read Music at Oxford University, and also became the organ scholar at Christ Church Cathedral.
During his time at Christ Church he toured the USA, Canada and China with the choir, took part in many high-profile services including the Royal Maundy service in 2012, and broadcast evensong live on BBC Radio 3. In his second year he also gained a Fellowship of the Royal College of Organists.
Having just completed a year and a half as organ scholar of Westminster Cathedral, he took up the position of Assistant Organist and Tutor to the Choristers at Magdalen College, Oxford in February 2017. His teachers have included Margaret Phillips and Thomas Trotter (repertoire), and David Maw (improvisation).
As a recitalist he has played at many cathedrals and festivals, recently including Worcester Cathedral, Lichfield Cathedral, and the London Handel Festival. His musical interests include early English keyboard music, the works of Frederick Delius, and he is currently undertaking to learn all of J S Bach’s organ works with some of Eurpoe’s best Bach experts as part of the W T Best Scholarship from The Musicians’ Company.
Musicians’ Company Award: W T Best Scholarship 2017
Page Updated: 2017