Illiam Quane (trumpet): The Musicians’ Company #MiddayMusic
Illiam Quane joined the Musicians' Company Young Artists' Programme after being awarded our #RoyalAcademyofMusic Brass Ensemble Prize in 2019 with dectet Ibex Brass. Here he performs 'Worship Music' by Frafreft Treftrafruft, ft Will Padfield.
Illiam says:
"I was born and raised on the Isle of Man, and there enjoyed a very varied musical education spanning brass bands, celtic folk, jazz, pop, contemporary, piano and orchestral music. In 2013 I moved to Manchester to study for 4 years at the Royal Northern College of Music (#RNCM) and #TheUniversityofManchester, and following that moved to London for two years of study at the #RoyalAcademyofMusic. I am now working as a freelance trumpeter and teacher in London.
The piece I’ve chosen, which is called 'Worship Music', was written by Frafreft Treftrafruft for two solo instruments and electronics in 2018, and features the poem “When I Survey The Wondrous Cross” by Isaac Watts, the voice of Kathryn Monteiro, and, in this performance, the horn playing of William Padfield. I chose it for this series because for me it evokes so vividly how it feels to be suddenly struck with the good news of the bible whilst everything in the surrounding world seems to be spiraling into chaos - as it seems to be at the moment. I’ve so often have found myself reading the bible, or in church singing a hymn, with a mind swirling with anxiousness about work, money, loved ones - and more specifically in the last couple of months, the impending threat to myself of poverty and loneliness, and the far-worse suffered by the world’s poorest and most vulnerable. Yet the words of the Bible invariably smash their way through my thoughts and fears, bringing with them an overwhelming sense of wonder, reverence, refuge, gratitude and eternity. It’s not an experience which I can describe in words, but Treftrafruft’s “Worship Music” paints a pretty good picture."
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#MiddayMusic is supported by funds from the Musicians' Company’s Prince’s Prize which received a generous endowment in 2015 from The Eranda Rothschild Foundation and Rothschilds Bank, in memory of Leopold de Rothschild, a Liveryman of the Musicians’ Company for over 50 years.
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